Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pan seared scallops with balsamic vinegar reduction

Note: top picture only.

Was in footscray market the other day and chanced upon a shop selling japanese frozen scallops for quite a reasonable price. As a lover of seafood, I simply had to take it home, unfortunately, I've never cooked scallops before, so this was a first try for me.

The trick in searing the scallops is to achieve a browning crust on the top and bottom while delicately cooking the scallop such that it is just slightly undercooked in the centre, thus preserving the sweetness of the dish.

To do this, use a combination of butter and olive oil in a pan, you can use it in the ratio 1:1. Make sure your room temperature scallops are washed and dried on kitchen towel before putting them in a pan. Season both sides of the scallop with a dash of salt. When the pan is really hot, place the scallops gently in the pan, if it sizzles, your pan is hot enough. Do not disturb the scallops but let them cook about 2-3 minutes on one side before flipping them over and cooking for another 1-2 minutes.

To make the balsamic vinegar reduction, combine 5 tablespoons of good quality 4 leaf graded balsamic vinegar with a knob of butter the size of your thumb. Bubble on medium heat and then drizzle on the scallops. bon appetit!

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