Monday, May 13, 2013

Crustless Quiche

One of my most versatile and favourite dishes to make which pretty much uses all the random items you have in your fridge. I make crust-less quiches because my waistline cannot afford too much puff pastry. But if you want a crust, you could simple buy the store bought crust and bake it separately before pouring in the filling as per the recipe. This dish is a close cousin of the frittata.
Simple cheese and onion quiche

With the quiche, you can really be creative, it can be as elaborate and as simple as you wish.
You can have it alone for a light snack, with a salad for a more balanced meal or with some brown rice for a fuller meal. You could make quiches in advance and cut and freeze individual portions for convenience. 

Tomato, spinach and ham quiche served with broccolli and chickpea brown rice

The basic ingredients of a quiche are essentially:
- 4 eggs (makes 4 servings, I like this ratio because one egg per serving gives adequate nutrients and doesn't send your cholesterol sky-rocketing)
- 1 1/2 cups fresh whole milk/ cream (I like using milk as it's less fattening but you can always use a combination)
- 1/2 cup flour
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 50g melted butter
- 1 cup shredded cheese 
- 1 to 1 1/2cup favourite filling
with the fillings you can always add whatever rocks your boat like ham, mushroom, onion, spinach, the possibilities are endless. My favourite combinations are: mushroom, tomato and spinach. Ham, onion and mushroom. Bacon, tomato and onion. Bacon, spinach, pumpkin. However do note that onions and bacon should be browned before adding for extra flavour (or you can just throw it in as-is if you're really lazy) Mushrooms should be sautéed prior to adding so that they release the water in them.

Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees celcius. Beat basic ingredients together and add your filling. Mix well. Bake for 40min until cooked and browning at the top. Note, to test if quiche is cooked, use a cake spatula and it should come out clean. Alternatively, give the receptacle holding the quiche a quick jerk. The contents should not wiggle in the receptacle too much as if it were still liquid inside. Let the quiche cool a little then cut into slices and enjoy. 

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